Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ch-ch-ch-changes! Adjusting my focus.

Sorry for the switch-up, ladies and gents. Figured it was better to tweak early on as opposed to later.

I've pretty quickly come to realize what my central focus with this blog is going to be. As I have organized photos, future blog posts and ideas, it has become apparent that the central theme always returns to our home. And yes, I am still, obviously, mismanaged, but instead of focusing on the flaws of everything I do (which is quite a bit), I want to take this time early in my blogging life to simplify and adjust my brand. I have many passions, and this doesn't mean I won't represent them all here, it simply removes the pressure of having to do EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. And I need a little less pressure.

It also lets me focus on the one recurring theme and the overall most important thing to our family: our home. And while I absolutely love decorating and all things beautiful, I would like to point out that I am not talking solely in a material sense, here.

This whole switch finally clicked with me when I was leaving with the two kiddos to run errands yesterday. My 3 year old shouted, "Bye house!" as we pulled out of the driveway. He blew it a big kiss and said, "Mom, I love our house." When I asked him what he loved about it so much he told mr it was because that is where we all play together. Tugged on my little heartstrings, he did. Isn't it funny how we as adults can glean something so profound from what is really a simple matter to a child?

So there you have it. Decision was made. Re-focus, re-brand. Home. In all of it's forms.

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